Deacon Jerry Franzen - Cathedral 7/28/13
18: 20-32 Colossians 2: 12-14 Luke 11: 1-13
first reading and the Gospel are about prayer,
specially prayers of petitionAbraham had a direct, forward, no-holds-barred
conversation with God,
and Jesus teaches those of us who have trouble
striking up a conversation with God
a more formal way to pray in a monologue.
formula goes something like this:
pray that God’s name be hallowed,In this we express our own reverence for God.
We also include our own subservience to God,
that we wish to be in his kingdom,
not that we want God to be in our kingdom.
This is what might be called the praise part
of Jesus’ formula for prayer.
Abraham included this element cloaked in subservience:
“See how I am presuming to speak to my Lord,
though I am but dust and ashes.”
we get to the petition part, the asking part.
We ask that we be given our daily
breadthat we be forgiven our sins, as we forgive others,
and that we not be put to the final test.
Abraham also petitioned;
he asked for mercy for the innocent of
is a third segment to prayer: our listening for the answer.
Abraham listened to God’s answers;One can tell that from the progression of Abraham’s petitions:
First 50? Yes. Then 45? Yes. Then 35? And so on.
Listening for the answer to
our prayers!
That begs the question, “Does God answer our prayers?”It seems that Abraham had it pretty easy,
He heard God’s voice directly with the answers.
We are not so lucky to hear God’s voice
with immediate answers to our prayers of petition.
I dare to say that each of us can recall an instance
where we have prayed for something
and not found our prayer answered with what we wanted.
It may have been something major
like a new job that didn’t come through,
or a cure for an illness
that eventually took the life of a loved one.
I had prayed that my mother’s
Parkinson’s Disease would be cured.
It only progressed further until she died.
it may have been something minor that we prayed for:
a victory in a basketball game,a new car,
a date for the prom,
times when we knocked and that door seemed to remain closed,
prayer without an answer.
latter part of today’s Gospel is Jesus’ teaching
how God answers our prayers.Understanding this latter part can help us
to tune our ears to hear God’s answers to our prayers.
During a previous assignment at a parish with a school
at one of the school Masses, the passage that states:
“Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you will find.
Knock and it shall be opened to you”
was in the Gospel, probably Matthew’s version.
After reading the Gospel,
I walked down in the aisle among the 5th through 8th graders
and said, “It sounds pretty simple.
Whatever you want just ask God for it,
and it will be given to you. That’s what Jesus said.”
I looked over at one of the fifth graders;
she had this disagreeing look on her face,
and was shaking her head.
I said, “You mean it’s not that simple?”
She just nodded her head in agreement.
It’s not that simple; and yet it is that simple.
today’s Gospel passage “God” is always referred to as “Father.”
Our God
is there for us not as a power-figure,but as One who loves us as a father loves his children.
as One who has our greatest well-being in mind,
One who seeks to have us become
all that we are meant to become.
Many of us as parents and all of us as children
have experienced the answer “No”to requests for things we WANTED the most,
for things we perceive as being NEEDED to live –
that new bike, new car, new dress, or that computer upgrade.
And so it is also that God, at times,
says “no” to what we WANT,
even when it seems we NEED it to survive.
I really WANTED my mother to get better;
it would have meant a lot less trial and tribulation for me.
It would have made my life simpler; I NEEDED that.
Jesus states that a father would never give his
children scorpions
when they ask for
would a father give his child a scorpionwhen the child asks for a scorpion.
You might say that our getting the answer we want,
is all in what we ask for.
Jesus tells us what to ask for:
our daily bread
(which actually means enough bread
to get us through this day)
the forgiveness of sins,
and strength in the hour of temptation.
Basically, Jesus is teaching us to pray for those
we really
NEED in life –what we NEED for life in this world and for the world to come.
It is not that the Lord is saying
that the WANTS of life are not important;
but the Lord is saying that the NEEDS of life
have a greater precedence over the WANTS of life.
God is always faithful
in making sure we have what we need -
what we need in order to share in divine life, in eternal life.
God will give us anything and everything we need
to become what we are meant to become, one with him.
The answer to my prayer was whatever it was that I needed
to be able to deal with my mother’s Parkinson’s Disease
in a Christ-like manner.
Each of us in our own lives, if we reflect long
be able to see that,when it appeared that God did not answer our prayer,
he in fact did answer it, and the answer was
“No, but I will give you what you really need
in the big picture of things.”
How God answers our prayers can be found in the statement,
kingdom come.”To pray for God’s kingdom to come
is to pray that each of us will live according to the will of God.
God answers our prayers through our submitting to God’s will
AND through others who submit themselves to his will.
It didn’t read, “Give ME each day MY daily bread.”
“Forgive ME MY sins.
as I forgive everyone in debt to ME.”
It’s not just about me and God;
it is also about me and my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Could it be that God intends to answer our prayers
through the actions of other people?
What if THEY choose not to cooperate?
Could it be that God is answering other people’s prayers
through us and our actions?
What if WE choose not to cooperate?
God is always answering with what we need,
to “give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.”It is only through the Holy Spirit
that we are able to respond to God’s answer to our prayers.
Here’s a little treatise I found on God’s answers to prayers
and some of his expected responses:
**I asked God to take away my pride, and God said no.
He said
it was not for him to take away, but for me to give up.
I asked God to make a handicapped child whole, and God
said no.
He said
her spirit is whole. Her body is only
I asked God to grant me patience, and God said no.
He said
that patience is a by-product of tribulation.It isn’t granted. It’s earned.
I asked God to give me happiness, and God said no.
He said
he gives blessings. Happiness is up to me.
I asked God to spare me pain, and God said no.
He said
suffering draws you away from worldly careand brings you closer to him.
I asked God to make my spirit grow, and God said no.
He said
that I must grow on my own.But I will be in heaven someday because I believe.
I asked God to help me love others as much as he loves
God said, “Ah, at last. You finally have the idea.”
I now pray that I can do in love for Christ
and for
my brothers and sisterswhatever is needed for me and them.
May we each seek God’s gracious gift of the Holy
the power of the Holy Spirit in our livesand grow in God’s love for us
and our love for each other.
* Middle
portion adapted from Homily by Jeffrey Kemper at the Athenaeum Preaching
for 17th Sunday in OT Year C, July 25,2004